Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hair today...long tomorrow...

....Psssshhh, I WISH!!!

For the last month, I have been starting to research/try different little things to help my hair grow longer and healthier.  I am growing it out from a stacked asymmetrical bob.  So the back is shorter than the front, there are layers..and bangs!  Fun!  NOT!

May 6, 2012
*Here you can see what it looks like straight with the layers and bangs and such.

I haven't had a haircut in several months, except when I went last week and had my hairdresser sort of clean and even it up without losing any length.  Now, the hard part will be NOT going back to see him when I get frustrated with the "in between" stages of growing it out and have him chop it off again.  (This has happened on several occasions.)  I guess I'm just not a patient person.  When I decide I want it long again...I want it long like yesterday now.  (Y'all know what I'm talking about.)

May 23, 2008
*This was probably the longest it has ever been.
*Gah!  I was so tan and skinny back then.

So, like I was saying...I've been searching around for some tips to help my hair grown faster (if that is even really possible).  I read this post and it helped a lot. 
Here are the few tips I've picked up on and have been doing so far:

  1. Vitamins...hair, skin & nails formula, more specifically.  Biotin is excellent to nourish and strengthen your hair.  I have been taking (actually chewing) GNC's "be-BEAUTIFUL" hair-skin-nails supplements for about a month.  It's an acai berry flavored soft chew.  I L.O.V.E. them!
  2. Massaging your scalp.  I've been doing this in the shower when I shampoo my hair.  The massaging is supposed to stimulate hair growth.  It's like giving your scalp "goose bumps" which causes it to grown.  Odd, but relaxing at the same time.  ;) 
  3. Brushing just the crown of your hair at night.  When I mentioned this to my hairdresser, he said that there is a muscle on the top of your head, so by brushing it, it is massaging it as well. 
While searching around for some more hair growth tips, I came across this video on YouTube.  (BTW, I could listen to her talk forever about whatever...love her cute little British accent...especially when she says "vitamins".  lol)  She did a "4 Week, No Heat" challenge.  For 4 weeks, she applied no heat to her hair (blow dryer, straightener, curling iron).   She said her hair was healthier, had less breakage and had grown a good bit.
"So, what you're saying is that I can not fix my hair for 4 wks and it will help it?!  Yes, please!!" - Me
I'm already fairly lazy when it comes to fixing my hair, so anything that will further this cause and actually help, is right up my alley.

I also decided that if I am going to be "Team Healthy Hair" then I need to be aware of what I am doing/putting on my hair in addition to what I am not doing/putting on my hair.  Make sense?
I'm referring to shampoo/condition and products, of course.
I bought Clear Scalp & Hair Beauty Therapy Strong Lengths Shampoo/Conditioner.  (Heidi Klum is the spokesperson for it..for what that is worth.)
I figure if I help to make my hair stronger, it is less likely to break, which makes it more likely to grow longer.  We'll see how that goes.
I also am going to refrain from any gels, mousses or hair sprays if possible.
I am however, going to use my "beachy hair" spray that I made a few weeks ago using this tutorial.  I used water, epson salt, hair gel and conditioner in mine.  I am in love with this stuff.  I just wash and comb out my hair, let it air dry most of the way, then spray some in and do a little scruching and voila...wavy, beach hair.

July 3, 2012
 *Sorry for the crappy cell phone, self-portrait pictures, but my camera decided to die on me last night.  :(
*Also, this is my BB Cream only face.  ;)

I just wanted you to see what my hair looks like air-dried with the beach hair spray in it.  You can see my hair is half-straight, half-curly/wavy.  I used to hate it and blow-dried/straightened it every day.  Hello, damage! Then I tried scrunching it with gel or mousse while it was wet, which ended up making it look like a crunchy, kinky curl, instead of a natural wave/curl.  Hello, 1990's!  (Y'all know what I'm talking about.)
I am now learning to embrace and love my natural hair...plus like I said before...it's super easy!

Alright, so what I'm trying to say is...that I am going to do a "4 Week, No Heat" Challenge myself.  I think this is the perfect time to do this, because it's Summer and the heat/humidity are already doing a number on my hair without applying any extra heat.
My plan is:
  • No Heat (blow dryer, straightener, curling iron)
  • No products, except my "beachy hair" spray and leave-in conditioner, if needed.
  • Strengthening shampoo/conditioner
  • Take my Hair,Skin, Nails vitamins
  • Drink lots of water
  • Try not to twirl my hair (A bad habit I have had since I was a baby) which I know breaks my hair.
  • Massage my scalp (while shampooing and at night with the brush)
  • And just overall be aware of anything I maybe doing that is causing damage to my hair and hindering growth.
The only time the "no heat" thing is going to be hard is on Sundays.  That is usually the only day where I actually really "fix" my hair with the flat iron and such.  So, I will just have to make sure that it is more of a "polished" wavy look rather than a "messy" wavy look.  We shall see.  :)

I officially started this on Monday, July 2...so I will check back with results on Monday, July 30th. 
Wish me luck!!

I'm curious if any of you guys have ever done this or are now considering doing it now.  Let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, you need to come visit St. Barths! When I got here and one of my sweet daughters burnt up my blow dryer (converters are SOOO confusing, we've burnt up a few ;o) things) and I realized there's no way I'm going to put something up to my head that will make it hotter...I had to go heat-free. That was a change for me! I have wavy hair, so I have always (except for my perm days in high school) blow dryed, straightened, then used a large barrell curling iron on my hair. It was a little culture shock for me to do nothing! Now, I use tons of mousse and go with the wave. (And wear it off my neck A LOT!) And come to find out, my hubby likes the wave. Cool!
    Good luck on your challenge!
