Sunday, November 13, 2011

30 days of Thankful - #13

#13 - I am thankful baby sister!!

Finally made it to the 4th and final sister!  Sister #4 was born the day before my 19th birthday.
Because there was such an age difference between her and the rest of us, she has always been considered OUR baby.  
I get just as sad when she hits milestones in her life, as I do with my own child.
She is growing up waaaay too fast for my liking.
The upside is that she is growing up into a wonderful young lady!

I am thankful for her one-of-a-kind personality.

I am thankful that she is a good aunt to all of our kiddos.

I am thankful that we have her to walk behind us to be an example for.

I am thankful that even though she's still a little weird...

...she is my (baby) sister and my friend!!


  1. I am the oldest of 5. There is one boy there among 4 girls. There was always such an age gap that I wasn't really super close to my siblings. We all are spread out over the U.S., but thanks to facebook and the ups and downs of life - we are closer now than ever. Great posts about your beautiful sisters. I love the one where your all in a row (birthday)!

  2. what a beautiful family picture, it's nice to have a big family. I have only one precious sister. Your sister looks very cute.


  3. Such a great idea... thankful days of November. So doing this next year. I love all your thankful moments. It's great to see all the pictures. You have a lovely family and a good heart!
